Waste & Recycling
March 21, 2022
BluPlanet Recycling's Bag Tag Guidelines
If BluPlanet Recycling services your home for curbside collections, bag tags are needed for extra bags of garbage, mixed recycling, and organics. 1 tag for every bag. Though BluPlanet Recycling's bag tag program is similar to the City of Calgary's, there are a few key differences that suit our operations. Please read and apply all the guidelines below to ensure all of your material is collected.
What is curbside collection?
BluPlanet Recycling considers any multi-family unit that has its own carts for garbage, mixed recycling, and organics a curbside unit. We refer to it as a βcurbsideβ service, as we collect the carts at curbside directly from the unit or from the alleyway. Each homeowner is responsible for monitoring and maintaining their waste collection by placing their bin curbside on the morning of their collection day. These collections are similar to those offered by the City of Calgary for detached homes.
Where can I buy bag tags?
Tags are $5.00 each and are available online only. Tags are not sold at our office or at any retail locations.
There is no refunds on the bag tags. We do not replace lost or stolen tags.
We recommend having tags on hand as they can take 5-10 business days to receive.
Buy Bag Tags
Click HereWhat bags should I use for extra material?
- Garbage - Black opaque plastic bags
- Mixed Recycling - Clear plastic bags
- Organics - Brown paper lawn bags
How do I use bag tags?
- Fill your cart.
- Place extra garbage or mixed recycling material in the appropriate bag and tie it closed. Peel off the backing of the bag tag and wrap the tag around the knot. For organics, fold your paper bag closed, and stick the tag on the front of the bag.
- On collection day, place tagged bag(s) 3 feet to the side of any cart.
Bag tag restrictions
- Junk WILL NOT BE REMOVED even if it has a bag tag on it.
- If you use your bag tag incorrectly, we are not responsible for providing a replacement tag.
- A tote with a bag tag on it is not approved as an extra tote or material.
- Certified compostable green bags will not be approved for extra organic material. Extra organic material must be in a brown paper bag.
- City of Calgary bag tags are not valid for BluPlanet Recycling collections. Materials labelled with City of Calgary bag tags will not be collected.
- 1 tag for every bag .
- Tags are for bagged material only. Do not leave unbagged items outside of your cart(s).
- Do not overstuff the bag. If the bag can't be wrapped or folded, you likely have too much material in it or too big of items.
- Use standard-sized bags. Our limit is 83cm x 96cm (33in x 38in).
- Make sure you can lift the bag with one hand. If you find it hard to lift, our team will too. Our limit is 10 kg (22lbs) per bag.
- If there is no tag on the bag or the tag is not visible, your bag will not be collected.
Tags are required for all streams of waste; garbage, mixed recycling, and organics.
Bag tags are only for bags that meet the requirements. They are not for large items, extra totes, junk, designated items, etc. You will need to make other arrangements for items like these.
Tags are for individual curbside customers only. Extra tags are not required for businesses or complexes with centralized waste bins.
What Goes Where
Learn MoreFrequently Asked Questions
Why do we have a bag tag program?
- About four percent of individual curbside units put out extra material on collection day. Considering all of our curbside clients, four percent equals a lot of additional waste. The Bag Tag Program is the first step towards greater fairness in our collection fees.
- Units that reduce, reuse, and properly sort waste into the blue and green carts are less likely to need tags for extra garbage.
- It is important to be thoughtful about proper sorting, reusing, and reducing. Setting a price on extra material will encourage more people to be conscious about their disposal habits.
How can I reduce the amount of garbage I throw away?
- We encourage everyone to think about what theyβre buying and throwing away. Sorting materials correctly into your blue, green and black carts helps reduce the amount of garbage for pickup.
- Find out where and how to dispose of your residential items at What Goes Where.
What do I do if I have an item too big for my cart or extra bag?
We ask that you break down the item into smaller pieces. For example, if you have a large TV box, please break it down into manageable pieces that can all fit into a mixed recycling bag (following our standards). If an item is too large to be broken down, you will have to make other disposal arrangements.
What if I want to use my neighbourβs cart for my extra material?
If you have extra bags, be sure to talk with your neighbor before you put anything in their cart. We encourage you to be neighbourly and share any extra space in carts as long as both parties agree to it.
I am at a bagged program and we do not use carts. What do I do?
- There is a limit of 2 bags per unit for garbage and mixed recycling. If you have more than two (2) bags, the extra bags will need a bag tag. Example: Bags 3, 4, 5, etc will need a tag on them.
- In order to avoid operational errors, please do not group bags with your neighbors on site. Place your bags directly in front of your unit.
- This information is for garbage and mixed recycling bagged programs only. Organic streams will follow the cart information above.
How can I prevent others from using my cart without my permission?
- If you are concerned about others adding materials to your carts, we suggest you store your bins on your property when they are not set out on collection day.
- If you are aware of illegal dumping, please contact your Community Manager.
Why was my bag not collected?
Before you contact us to see why your bag was not collected, please answer the following questions:
- Was the material bagged in the correct bag?
- Was the bag tag put on correctly?
- Did the material meet the bag size and weight limits?
- Was the bag placed in the proper spot?
- Is this material acceptable for curbside collection?
If you answered βyesβ to all of these, please reach out to your Community Manager. If you answered βnoβ to one or more of the above questions, please correct the error for the next collection.
Please contact your Community Manager or email BluPlanet Recycling using our Contact Form.